Hot Tub Yoga



Have you heard about the latest craze in the world of yoga? Well, it’s called doga, yoga with your dog. Wait, that isn’t it. We mean, doga is one of the latest yoga crazes, but not the one we mean for this article.

The latest yoga craze sweeping the nation is hot tub yoga. That’s right, practicing yoga in your hot tub. Yoga has long been and continues to be a very popular form of exercise around the world. Over the years, it has evolved and there are multiple variations of it designed to improve your health and wellness. One very interesting and intriguing form of yoga that has surfaced fairly recently is the development of hot tub or spa yoga.

Hot tub yoga is interesting in that all it really involves is performing yoga poses in water, more specifically, the water in your hot tub. There are those who swear by the benefits of this type of yoga over traditional yoga methods. Let’s look into this and see just why you should give hot tub yoga a shot.

Better on Joints

Thanks to buoyancy, stretching is far more comfortable in the water. If you suffer from major aches and pains in various parts of your body, stretching and doing other yoga poses is far less painful in warm water.

In fact, you may have never even considered yoga because of the pain you suffer or because you fear you aren’t flexible enough for the practice. Good news for you. Not only is hot tub yoga easier on the joints, it takes less strain to move around in hot water. Which means the downward dog pose might now be totally doable.



Health Benefits

There are any number of benefits that come with just sitting in the hot tub. Add to that the benefits of yoga and you have an activity that offers much indeed. Exercising in the warmth of your hot tub can soothe pains, improve circulation and improve sleep. All very fine reasons to try hot tub yoga.


There are a number of poses you can try in your hot tub.

Breakwater Pose– Stand up in your hot tub with your feet apart at hip length and stretch out both of your arms in front of you. Now turn your torso to the right while keeping your arms stretched. Now, repeat to your left.

Wave Pose– Stand up in your hot tub with your feet at shoulder width. Lift your left arm straight up and then kick out your left hip. At this point, you will be leaning to your right. Repeat on the right side and then go back and forth. This exercise stretches out the body and will strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Half Boat Pose– While seated in your hot tub with your back straight and your hands on the seat, engage your abdominal muscles by lifting your legs and keeping them parallel to the surface of the water.