Hot Tubs are One Way to Bring the Family Together



With the rise of mobile devices and anywhere access to the internet, coupled with any number of apps and other ways to watch unlimited television shows, it is little wonder that the quality time spent as a family has dwindled over the years.

Research shows that families are spending more and more of their free time engaged in solitary electronic activities. In other words, instead of spending time together as a family, dad is watching football on his phone, mom is watching videos on her iPad and junior is playing Candy Crush on this laptop.

As much as parents might think their kids are hooked on these devices, mom and dad are just as guilty of spending too much time scrolling Facebook. But instead of placing blame, parents should be doing what they can to get the family together for some much-needed bonding.

Spa Max offers some great ways in which your family can bond.

Hot Tubs

Most children love being in the water, and they really love being in the hot tub. This makes hot tubs the perfect place for the family to get together and talk about the events of the day. And siblings can bond while working off some energy at the same time.

Many teens are in that awkward stage of life, especially when it comes to spending time with their parents. They might be embarrassed to be seen having a conversation with their parents in a public setting like a restaurant or prefer to engage with their cell phone rather than talk with their family at home.

But when they are in the hot tub, those inhibitions are likely to disappear. Since they are in the water, their phones won’t be a distraction and they are in the privacy of their yard or patio, so there is no shame in talking with your parents.



Cook and Bake Together

Teach your kids how to cook and bake and make it a fun family time. Pass down recipes from generations past and even get creative by making up your own variations or new things to cook.

Just remember to start off slow and easy, no need to start off baking delicate souffles. Start off with baking cookies, chocolate chip cookies work very well. If you don’t have a recipe from your mom or grandmother, find one on the internet and modify it to make it your own and something you can pass down to your children when they are adults.

Game Night

Spending time together as a family doesn’t mean you just sit around taking turns talking about the events of the day, you can have fun as well. There are any number of board games you can play as a family. From Candyland to Mousetrap, these games are enjoyed by people of all ages.

As your children grow older, make sure you play games that are age appropriate, no teenager wants to play Candyland. If you can’t get your teen to play games, they might be interested in doing a puzzle.

Share a Hobby

Maybe you are into collecting albums by 1980s hair bands, or you collect comic books. These are a couple of hobbies that you should try getting your children interested in. It would be a great way to spend time together while doing something that is totally awesome.

Bonding can easily happen while discussing the latest Captain Marvel comic or talking about the album covers of Twisted Sister.

Try Sports

There are any number of sports you could engage with your family. Bowling is a sport that people of all ages enjoy and is a great way to get exercise as well. But best of all, it’s an activity that leaves the family plenty of time between frames to chat things up.

Road Trip

Everyone knows that taking a vacation is a great way for families to bond, even if it is just a road trip to a different city for a few days. That’s right, there is no need to book an expensive excursion to an exotic location, just pack up the station wagon, load up the family and enjoy a simple trip that includes a visit to the local zoo and museum.

And when you get back home, contact Spa Max to have a hot tub installed so you can enjoy more fun family time.