Some Really Fun Hot Tub Games



What are the reasons you own a hot tub? You might own a hot tub because it helps you to unwind and relax after a particularly difficult day at the office. That’s a pretty good reason to own a hot tub. You might own a hot tub because sitting in a hot tub to watch sports is much better than sitting on the couch. We will agree with you on that, watching baseball, football, basketball, hockey and even soccer is much better when you are sitting in a relaxing hot tub.

There are some people who buy hot tubs for their therapeutic qualities. That is, if you have back pains or sore muscles, hot tubs can do wonders in helping you feel better. This is actually a really good reason to own a hot tub.

While these are are very good reasons to own a hot tub, we have an even better reason: To play games.

That’s right, if you can’t find a valid reason to buy a hot tub, then you should consider buying one so you can play hot tub games. If you are in the mood to have some fun, and we mean a real good time, then check out these hot tub games and we bet you will be calling Spa Max right away.



Hot Tub Hockey

The object of hot tub hockey is to get a floating object, like a ping-pong ball or rubber duck, to touch the opposing team’s side of the hot tub by using only two elements, water and air.

Choose players and pick sides and then either blow on the object or use waves to get it to go to the other side. Every time the object touches the opposite side of the wall, your team gets a point.

What makes this game so fun is that splashing is allowed, so it can get rather exciting.

Pass the Bottle

You will need a hard plastic bottle filled with water and tightly capped for this game.

The object of this game is to pass the bottle around the tub without using your hands. To do this, you can use any part of your body , including your backside, to get the bottle from you to the person next to you.

We almost forgot, you can’t use the same body parts between players. For example, if you are using your armpit to pass the bottle, the person you are passing it to cannot use their armpit to receive it.

If you get pretty good at this game, try playing it with the bottle uncapped and try to get it around the hot tub without spilling any of the contents.


All you need for this game are a few large plastic cups.

The object of this game is to not be the one who sinks the cup to the bottom of the tub. Turn off the jets to your hot tub and place a cup in the tub with enough water in it to stabilize it. It should be floating and bobbing around.

Now, each player takes turns pouring water into this cup for two seconds at a time. This continues until the cup sinks. Whoever the one who was pouring water into it at the time loses. Just remember that after your two seconds of pouring are up, you must wait for four seconds before the next person can go.


Before this game begins, each player must pick a sign that represents themselves. For example, you might pick your sign to be scratching your nose or touching your chin. The game begins with everybody continuously slapping the water with both hands. Somebody starts the game by performing their sign. The person next to them performs their sign and so on until everybody has a turn.

But in the second round, you must perform your sign and the sign of another player. The person whose sign you performed must now perform their sign and somebody else’s sign. Keep in mind that while all this is going on, everybody must continue to slap the water with both hands.

Now that you know just how much fun a hot tub can be, give Spa Max a call.